On the morning of July 8, 2024, DongfengBusiness School launched its second quarter training course, which wasintroduced by the host.

This training has invited two distinguishedguests, industry expert Chen Jianquan and professor Hu Yifu from Central SouthUniversity.

The core theme of this training course is"Strengthening Enterprise Management and Building a Strong Line of SafetyProduction", focusing on "How to Strengthen EnterpriseManagement" and "Safety Management for All Employees in MiningEnterprises". The two teachers, with their profound academic foundationand rich practical experience, revealed the cutting-edge concepts and effectivestrategies of modern enterprise management to the students through in-depththeoretical explanations and vivid case analysis. The course content is veryin-depth and easy to understand, and everyone has benefited greatly.

The participants in this training includesenior executives from various subsidiaries and management personnel at alllevels of the joint-stock company. In the training summary session, the generalmanager and chairman of the joint-stock company delivered important speeches respectively.Xie Dong pointed out that "safety production management is the toppriority for enterprise development, and the entire company must alwaysprioritize safety production. All work must make way for safetyproduction." This important instruction not only demonstrates thecompany's high attention to safety production work, but also points out thedirection for all management personnel to strive for.

Through this training, everyone has gaineda profound understanding of the essence of management and the importance andnecessity of overall safety management. Not only have they strengthened theirsense of responsibility and mastered management skills, but they have also beencomprehensively improved in their thinking. We firmly believe that this will havea profound impact on the overall management efficiency of our company in thefuture, promoting our steady progress in market competition.
東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻